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Displaying: 1 - 7 of 7

Tree of Life

January 4th, 2025

Tree of Life

The tree of life is where it begins and ends. From bark to breath and breath to bark. With a lot of pain in between. Yes, sometimes the trees have faces…and hands. People trapped in connection, fixed at the root. Or trapped apart. Bound and separated, petrified in time and place. There are detrimental choices. And no other world to escape to. There is no growth. Only pain sealed in wood.

Between the Cracks

January 4th, 2025

Between the Cracks

Between the cracks there are fragments - broken pieces of what was once whole. There is a reality. There is sadness. And a loss of purpose. It's all for what? Reflections and projections and return to...nothing. Or fear of nothing remaining. Glued fragments...holding on. Not much can be done. Though the vision and the intention are there. The energy...that's another story. More of the "Between the Cracks" series is in the Evocative Art Dark Visions collection.

Ever experienced a green baptism? These characters have.

January 2nd, 2025

Ever experienced a green baptism? These characters have.

Get ready to get immersed - in misty lush landscapes that haven't been ravaged by human hands. There you will meet a cast of 30 characters, dreamy, drenched, growing through nature. Believers who will take you where you want to go.

Killing Time - Death by Shooting

December 7th, 2023

Killing Time - Death by Shooting

If you were to kill time, how would you go about it? I mean not just pass the time, but get get rid of it altogether? Well, the imaginary characters in Evocative Art's "Shooting Time" series picked up a gun and started shooting some clocks. To avoid the losses, to escape the pain, to freeze and retrieve moments long gone. The problem is - to kill something, first it has to exist. Time may be a human construction, but change isn't. Change is the principle that overtakes all. Now that's much harder to fight - or shoot down. But it's fun trying. Because sometimes you just don't want to make lemonade when life throws you lemons.

The Orchard Escapades Series - Where Artistic Nudes Come to Life

December 7th, 2023

The Orchard Escapades Series - Where Artistic Nudes Come to Life

I's good to escape, and these unexpected sensual characters choose an orchard escapade. Where they escape amplifies the contours and curvy outcome. It's a moment of nature, in nature, and by nature. Let's venture into it together. (Don't trip over the temptations!).

Summertime Rainshower - What Really Happened?

December 7th, 2023

Summertime Rainshower - What Really Happened?

It all began with a summertime rainshower, but it was no ordinary rainshower. Strange clouds formed, vanished, and transformed. An orange hammock, red sandals, a wedding dress, and bras. All appear out of nowhere, hanging from the clouds...and multiplying. A sunhat and a syringe are also involved...and then a person in a sunhat is spotted walking away. From what? To what? Browse the digital art series by clicking the button.

The Story Behind the Emotive Art Series

November 25th, 2023

The Story Behind the Emotive Art Series

What happens when you're bored of humans? (No-brainer - you adopt a pet and have the best lifelong relationship you've had).

But beyond that, you create imaginary human faces - not pure, prim 'n proper, or spic 'n span, but in intensely emotional, vulnerable, up-close-and-personal moments...with complexions layered in colors, textures, and feelings - or "doused in mud, served in bleach" as one grunge poet famously sang.

Click the link in this post to browse 30+ emotive faces in this series. You might just connect with one or see yourself in one.